A.nnotate Server Installation Guide for Windows 7 + IIS 7

This chapter includes instructions for installing your own version of the A.nnotate server for IIS 7 on Windows 7. It is an updated version of the original install guide for windows XP. See also the guide for installing on Linux.

This chapter describes how to install version 3 of the A.nnotate server on Windows 7 with IIS 7.

Notes on installing PHP5 and IIS 7 on Windows 7

The PHP manual includes instructions for setting up PHP and IIS; the recommended route is to run PHP with IIS is via FastCGI. You should refer to the guide above for details; along with the Microsoft IIS + PHP + FastCGI guide. An outline of the install sequence is below:

1. Install IIS 
   (Start - Control panel - Programs and features - 
    Turn Windows features on or off -
    Internet Information Services - 
      World Wide Web Services - 
        CGI, ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters
      Web Management Tools - 
        IIS Management Console

   At this point you should be able to open a browser at http://localhost
   and see a splash screen.

2. Install PHP

   Download a PHP Non-thread safe .zip file
     (the non-thread safe one is faster for a FastCGI installation).   

   Extract it in c:/php54/

3. Copy the c:/php54/php.ini-development config file to c:/windows/php.ini
   (the development one is best with an initial install, as it includes
    debugging info if any setting is wrong. For production, you can switch
    to the -production sample once the basics are working.)

   Edit the php.ini settings for FastCGI use:

fastcgi.impersonate = 1
fastcgi.logging = 0

   Also increase the php.ini limits for use by annotate:

post_max_size = 80M
max_execution_time = 300
upload_max_filesize = 80M

4. Create a new user account to run annotate as:
  Start - Control panel - Add or remove user accounts

  Add a user called 'annotate' and set a password.

5. Create a folder to install annotate in:

  e.g. c:\annotate

  NB it is better to install annotate in a separate
  folder than under c:\inetpub, as that folder has 
  too many NTFS file system restrictions to run 
  the annotate pdf conversion utilities.

6. Create a 'test.php' php file in that folder
   <?php phpinfo(); ?>

7. Configure IIS to use FastCGI for *.php files in the annotate folder:

   Start the IIS manager (Start - search for 'iis' - IIS Manager)

   Select the server (YOUR-PC); 
     double-click "Handler Mappings"
     Add Module Mapping ...

   In the Add Module Mapping dialog, enter:
     Request path: *.php
     Module      : FastCgiModule
     Executable  : c:\php54\php-cgi.exe
     Name        : PHP vis FastCGI
   OK, then confirm creation of the fastcgi mapping.

8. Create the alias to your install folder:
   In IIS Manager, Right-click on Sites/Default Web Site
   Add virtual directory...
     Alias: annotate
     Physical path: c:\annotate

9. Switch the user account this application runs as:
   In IIS Manager, click on the Default Web Site/annotate folder.
   double-click on "Authentication" icon.
   Select "Anonymous Authentication", and the "Edit..." action
   Set the Anonymous user identity to be:
      Specific user: annotate    Set..
   using the the annotate user and password you created in step 4.

10. Check you can browse to: localhost/annotate/test.php 
   and see the php information summary.

Installing annotate

Once you have PHP and IIS set up, steps to install annotate are:

1. extract the annotate .zip file into c:\annotate
2. run 'install.bat' from the command line to create the docs/ and private/ folders
3. copy 'php/phpconfig-windows.inc' to 'php/phpconfig.inc' and edit the settings.
4. visit http://localhost/annotate/index.php to create the admin account.

Please email any questions to support [at] nnotate.com.