Hosted annotation plans

When you register you will be signed up for the free light user scheme which gives you a number of free credits each month for uploading documents. You can easily upgrade your subscription to any of the following plans which let you upload and annotate more pages each month. In addition, you can purchase extra credits at any time if you exceed your monthly allowance.


PlanFreeStandard ProGroupBusiness
Monthly costfree$9.95$19.95$49.95$199.95
Number of uploaders1111520
Number of annotatorsunlimitedunlimitedunlimitedunlimitedunlimited
Credits per month15010003,00010,00050,000
New pages per month2302006002,00010,000
Additional pagesprepayprepaybilledbilledbilled


1 Uploaders are able to upload and delete documents and to make web snapshots. Each document can be shared with an unlimited number of annotators for no extra charge. If you invite someone to comment on a document their account will not be debited.

2 This is the number of pages if you upload short documents. If the credits are used on longer documents the discounts below mean that you get more pages per month. For example, a single 200 page document only costs 200 credits.

Credits are used up when you take a web snapshot (10 credits) or upload a document for annotation. Short documents are charged at 5 credits per page with substantial reductions for longer documents.

Annotation credits and prepay pricing

For all plans your account is topped up to the specified level each month. If you exceed your allowance in a month you can buy additional credits at the prices shown below. You can also change plans at any time which will work out cheaper if you find you are regularly using extra credits.

No of creditsUS DollarUK PoundsEuroJapanese Yen
1000 $19.95 £9.95€14.95 ¥2245
2500 $39.95 £19.95€29.95 ¥4495
5000 $69.95£34.95 €49.95 ¥7995
10000 $99.95£49.95 €69.95 ¥11295

Long document discounts

The first 10 pages are charged at 5 credits per page. Pages 11-20 are 2 credits per page. Pages 21-100 are 1 credit per page, and pages above 100 are 1 credit for 2 pages. This means that you can use A.nnotate for long manuals and documents without worrying about the cost - a 50 page document is only 100 credits.
Number of pagesCredits